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产品 | 西门子推出8MW SWT-8.0-154型海上机组

Pub Time   2016-07-06   



      Siemens风电和可再生能源部的海上风电CEO Michael Hannibal表示:“我们坚持不懈地致力于降低能源(海上风电)的度电成本,而海上直驱平台则能够让我们在最低的风险下实现这一目的。而在6MW与7MW机型已验证的可靠性前提下,SWT-8.0-154机型将会在海上风电市场上成为直驱海上风电技术的新标杆。”
此外,Siemens还宣布其适用于中低风速风况的SWT-3.3-130机型,该机型已获得DNV GL型式认证。

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                                       Siemens confirms 8MW platform

    GERMANY: Siemens has officially unveiled its latest turbine evolution, upgrading its 7MW turbine to a power rating of 8MW.
    Siemens said the first SWT-8.0-154 turbine will be installed in 2017 for testing and type certification. The manufacturer said it will produce 10% more energy than its 7MW predecessor.
    The upgrade was made possible by improved magnet technology to increase output, Siemens said. Because only a few components require upgrades to boost capacity, Siemens said the turbine will benefit from a faster time-to-market. DNV GL certification is expected in early 2018.
    The leading offshore manufacturer is constantly tuning its machines. The new 8MW model is based in the 6MW unveiled in 2011, which was then upgraded to 7MW at the EWEA Offshore conference in Copenhagen in 2015.
    Siemens had recently alluded to having an 8MW turbine in its portfolio. At the Global Offshore Wind event in Manchester at the end of June, Siemens offshore wind CEO Michael Hannibal said an 8MW turbine had already been offered to the market.
    The manufacturer has also announced it has optained a type certificate for its onshore 3.3MW low-wind turbine with a 130-metre diameter rotor.
    The turbine was launched at the WindEnergy Hamburg event in September 2014. Serial production is expected from 2017.